The GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC) certification validates a practitioner’s knowledge of information security beyond simple terminology and concepts. GSEC certification holders are demonstrating that they are qualified for hands-on IT systems roles with respect to security tasks.
Who is GSEC for?
Exam Certification Objectives & Outcome Statements
The topic areas for each exam part follow:
- Access Control & Password Management
- The candidate will understand the fundamental theory of access control and the role of passwords in managing access control.
- Active Defense
- The candidate will demonstrate a high-level understanding of what Active Defense is and the tools, methods, and techniques needed to utilize it effectively.
- Contingency Plans
- The candidate will understand the critical aspect of contingency planning with a business continuity plan and disaster recovery plan
- Critical Controls
- The candidate will understand the purpose, implementation, and background of the Critical Security Controls
- Cryptography
- The candidate will have a basic understanding of the concepts of cryptography, including a high-level understanding of the major types of cryptosystems and steganography.
- Cryptography Algorithms & Deployment
- The candidate will have a basic understand of the mathematical concepts that contribute to cryptography and identify commonly used symmetric, asymmetric, and hashing cryptosystems.
- Cryptography Application
- The candidate will have a high-level understanding of the use, functionality, and operation of VPNs, GPG, and PKI
- Defense in Depth
- The candidate will understand what defense in depth is and an identify the key areas of security and demonstrate the different strategies for implementing effective security within an organization.
- Defensible Network Architecture
- The candidate will demonstrate how to architect a network to be monitored and controlled to resist intrusion.
- Endpoint Security
- The candidate will demonstrate a basic understanding of the function and uses of endpoint security devices, such as endpoint firewalls, HIDS, and HIPS
- Enforcing Windows Security Policy
- The candidate will have a high-level understanding of the features of Group Policy and working with INF security templates
- Incident Handling & Response
- The candidate will understand the concepts of incident handling and the processes pertaining to incident handling.
- IT Risk Management
- The candidate will understand the terminology and approaches to cyber security risk management including identification of the steps of the Threat Assessment process
- Linux Security: Structure, Permissions and Access
- The candidate will demonstrate understanding of a variety of Linux operating systems, including mobile systems, to better understand how to configure and secure Linux.
- Linux Services: Hardening and Securing
- The candidate will demonstrate an ability to gain visibility into a Linux system to be able to secure and harden the system.
- Linux: Monitoring and Attack Detection
- The candidate will demonstrate an understanding of the use of system baselines, log files, and other tools common to Linux operating systems in order to better monitor systems for signs of attack.
- Linux: Security Utilities
- The candidate will demonstrate an understanding of how to use key security utilities and tools that are available for Linux systems to enhance system security.
- Log Management & SIEM
- The candidate will demonstrate a high-level understanding of the importance of logging, the setup and configuration of logging, and log analysis with the assistance of SIEMs
- Malicious Code & Exploit Mitigation
- The candidate will understand important attack methods and basic defensive strategies to mitigate those threats.
- Network Device Security
- The candidate will have a basic understanding of the risks of network devices and how to secure them.
- Network Security Devices
- The candidate will demonstrate a basic understanding of the function and uses of network security devices, such as, firewalls, NIDS, and NIPS
- Networking & Protocols
- The candidate will demonstrate an understanding of the properties and functions of network protocols and network protocol stacks.
- Securing Windows Network Services
- The candidate will know how to take basic measures in securing Windows network services such as IPSec, IIS, and Remote Desktop Services
- Security Policy
- The candidate will understand the purpose and components of policy.
- Virtualization and Cloud Security
- The candidate will have a basic understanding of the risks of virtualization and cloud services and how to secure them.
- Vulnerability Scanning and Penetration Testing
- The candidate will demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and relationship behind reconnaissance, resource protection, risks, threats, and vulnerabilities including preliminary abilities to create network maps and perform penetration testing techniques
- Web Communication Security
- The candidate will demonstrate an understanding of web application security and common vulnerabilities including CGI, cookies, SSL and active content.
- Windows Access Controls
- The candidate will understand how permissions are applied in the Windows NT File System, Shared Folders, Printers, Registry Keys, and Active Directory, and how Privileges are applied
- Windows as a Service
- The candidate will understand how to manage updates for a network of Windows hosts.
- Windows Automation, Auditing, and Forensics
- The candidate will be introduced to the techniques and technologies used to audit Windows hosts.
- Windows Security Infrastructure
- The candidate will identify the differences between types of Windows OSes and how Windows manages groups and accounts, locally and with Active Directory and Group Policy
- Wireless Network Security
- The candidate will have a basic understanding of the misconceptions and risks of wireless networks and how to secure them.
Widowhood and the grief GSEC training of others attracted him, because of his great gentleness he mingled with the friends clad in mourning, with families GSEC training dressed in black, with the priests groaning around a coffin.
When he GSEC training beheld him in broad daylight, striding over the GSEC training barricade in order to proceed to his death, he recognized him.
The man took the four sous.
There is no direct communication GSEC training with the branch which collects the waters of Paris beginning with the Quartier Popincourt, and which falls into the Seine through the Amelot sewer above the ancient Isle Louviers.
One of the four was called the young, because GSEC training she was the youngest of them, and one was called the old the old one was twenty three.
THE DESCENT CHAPTER II MADELEINE He was a GSEC training man about fifty years of age, who had a preoccupied air, and who was good.
Blocks which were improvised like the rest and procured no one knows where.
The door GSEC training was nothing but a collection GSEC training of worm eaten planks GSEC training roughly bound together by cross beams which resembled roughly GSEC training hewn GSEC training GSEC training logs.
What cabriolet GSEC training The tilbury.
She still cherishes, after her own 1688 and our 1789, GSEC training GSEC training the feudal illusion.
His diamond shoe buckles would almost have sufficed to pay the army, which had gone unpaid for months.
Phisique GSEC training is after the secounde, Thurgh which the Philosophre hath founde To GSEC training techen sondri knowlechinges Upon the bodiliche thinges.
Thus medleth sche GSEC training with joie wo And with hir GSEC training sorwe merthe also, 5990 So that of loves maladie Sche makth diverse GSEC training melodie, And seith love is a wofull blisse, A wisdom which can noman wisse, A lusti fievere, a wounde softe This note sche reherceth ofte GSEC training To hem whiche understonde hir tale.
Cuvier, with one eye on GSEC training Genesis and the other on nature, tried to please bigoted reaction by reconciling fossils with texts and by making mastodons flatter Moses.
And forto speke in other weie, Fulofte time I have herd seie, That he which hath no love achieved, Him thenkth that he is noght relieved, Thogh that his ladi make him chiere, So as sche mai in good manere GSEC training 680 Hir honour and hir name save, Bot he the GSEC training surplus mihte have.
The same GSEC training cannon, pointed against GSEC training GSEC training the populace, GSEC training is wrong on the 10th of August, and right on the 14th of Vendemiaire.
He wore a three cornered hat, without ornament from under the hat GSEC training fell long, brown, unpowdered hair.
She interrupted herself impatiently Mon Dieu, cousin What are you thinking about I am thinking, replied the Bishop, of a singular remark, which is to be found, I believe, in St.
It will be a lesson to the Bonapartists It was thus that the phantom which had been called Madeleine vanished from sur Only three or four persons in all the town remained faithful to his memory.
A certain clever ignorance constitutes a force you do not distrust it, and you are caught by it.
He boxed his servants ears soundly, and said Ah carogne One of his oaths was By the pantoufloche of the pantouflochade He had singular freaks of tranquillity he had himself shaved every day by a barber GSEC training who had GSEC training been mad and who detested him, being jealous of Gillenormand on account of his wife, a pretty and coquettish barberess.